
All of the work on this entire site, including Photos, Art work and videos belong to the Artist. None of the content is allowed to be copied or reproduced without direct authorisation by the Artist, under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

I recently went to Singapore and Malaysia here are some of the shots.

I was lucky enough to Visit my sister in Singapore, She was working there for a while and it gave me the chance to learn a little about the culture and way of life of Singapore.

The first shock to me was how clean the place was, I'm literally talking spotless, to the point where even the flies don't have a chance to harass you as they were not there. OK, lets talk about some more interesting stuff then flies. Singapore is a small city, yet extremely intense, people work and play hard and with a zero policy to violence, you feel very safe in comparison to violence. Everyone on a night out our having fun without a care in the world. Singapore has such a mixture of culture, due to its interesting historic background. The Dutch, the British Chinese Malaysian native Singaporeans and Indians have all influence the dynamic city. Therefore when you come to this place you have a complete mix of architecture representing different types of cultures. A place known as Little India exist which is incredible, the Indian food is amazing and you can easily step into Hindu Temples of If you ask nicely A Muslim Mosque. I had an interesting chat with some lovely Muslims in a Mosque who were happy to share with me their beliefs and customs. 

Singapore really is a city of contrast, from the super rich and glamorous who drive round in super cars, to very modest people who get by on very little. You can splash out in Singapore but also eat on the very cheap, The Hawker centers are amazing value , (food courts) they boast local quinine and have a buzzing atmosphere.

Here are just a few of my snaps, Enjoy.

This was actually taken in langkawi Malaysia, which is very near to Singapore. Here are some locals.

This was taken in a fantastic Temple in Chins town Singapore. I wanted to capture the enigmatic smile of Buddha and the warm sense of color.

Chinese statues often possess a very delicate and beautiful finish, You can admire the way the sculptor has captured the drapes of materiel on Buddha.

 I loved this womans fabric, she kindly alowed me to take a picture of her, she was family to the owner of the shop and was just sitting here watching the world go by.

Clearly he enjoyed the idea of me taking a picture, in the back of his van. This is what is so great about diverse culture and countries, I mean you would never get this in London.

 Singaporian praying at Buddha Shrine. 

 mmmmm, Gourmet heaven, taken in Singapore's famous Shang Ri La Hotel.

Hong Kong Sampan

A sampan (Chinese Junk)

Hong Kong, A place of contrast Old meets knew a culinary paradise and home to China's heavy weights of Asian Stars.

I wanted to capture the powerful contrast in this photo of the Old Chinese traditions (sampan) boat against the modern Chinese city.


Futuristic Building

Taken in China, A very futuristic building and good perspective.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Osaka Temple Japan

Japan is a truly beautiful place I can see why people get completely captivated and obsessed with Japanese Culture. The food quality is high, people are friendly and polite, its so clean and last but not least its deeply rooted in its ancient culture.

I took this picture in Akasaka Tokyo, the picture represents part of a shrine, here you wash your hands and cleanse your spirit before entering this place of holiness.

Shanghai Neon paradise

Here is one of my strongest pictures from my travels,  The bright colors of the city of Shanghai Illuminate the sky almost  painting it in a neon wash. I also wanted to capture the sharpness of the city scape against the blur of the sky and the smooth effect of the water. Since the city was so bright I used a high F stop around 22.

Epic Sky

I took This picture A few years ago. with a standard 50mm kit lenses.

I was playing around with editing techniques in photos-shop , however I have to say that I find this type of over the top contrast a bit fake. Its all ways better to try and capture nature in its natural glory. Therefor I must keep practicing with my camera and keep on writing down everything I am learning.

Friday 28 January 2011

Christmas 2010

Here Are just a few pictures form Christmas.  Lense 50 mm f/.14 prime cannon lens. Its Christmas time and it has snowed in little England.

Playing around with composition. The person in this picture has a type of strength about him.

Christmas to me ins very magical, the lights, the warm glow of candles and all the shiny and sparkly decorations, its the one time of the year where I feel like a kid again. Here I am capturing a close up of the inner world of a Christmas tree.

Photo taken at college, person playing pool, I'm so near to a reflective piece of materiel, that the lense has blurred and the bottom of the photo has an almost angelic feel to it.